Monday, July 19, 2010

Braveheart the Warrior: Found a new playmate.

If you have been keeping up on Braveheart you know that he, a sick rescued kitten that I nursed back to health, is now running around my house and making new friends.

I was very surprised after a little bit. I guess introductions are in order. I have three other cats that I rescued before and have become part of my family.

Romeo- ginger tiger striped domestic
Juliet- beige long hair domestic
Little one- ginger and while medium hair domestic.

When I first took on little one he was only 4 weeks old and had a severe eye infection that  cost him his eye. The vet said if I had waited one more week the eye would have fell out. I saved the eye, not to be able to see but from falling out. In the end the eye had to be removed because he could get cancer in later years. So Little one is my one eyed kitty. He cost me over $500 and he is not going anywhere. (Turns out he ended up being the largest out of all my cats. So much for the name little one huh.)

Well it’s little one that is the big friend to Braveheart the Warrior. When I first opened the bathroom door to let Braveheart out he jumped and ran around like a banshee darting everywhere. All the cats were following his every move. It was little one who didn’t hiss at braveheart and who began to groom him. I knew right away that those two would be friends.

Over the weekend Braveheart has been playing with all of them. I want to show you what I mean.

That is Braveheart the Warrior in the middle of a toy
and the cat shown is my one eyed kitty Little One. 
They are fast freinds now. 

This is Braveheart sleeping later on after he tuckered himself out. 
Isn't he cute or what.  Oh the life of a kitty. 

I couldn't get the pictures of the other cats yet.  I will post those soon. 

I did a lot of packing this last weekend.  During all of it Braveheart was of course right by my body getting in the way.  I decide I was not going to pack all the sh*t I have and started to go through some of it.  Braveheart and the others were rummaging in it paying with the papers and stuff.  It was cute but anoying.

I may be the top alpha but I still allow them to be cats.  I wouldn't change the ways of cats in all the world.  I love their free spirits and agility.  The way they can give love. 

I still have a lot to do.  Hopefully I won't bore you with that too much but with more of my cats and their antics. 

There isn't much going on other than moving and promoting my new story line "Three Ordinary Lives"  Check it out and tell your friends.  Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with others.  Until next time. 

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