Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why you should write when life sucks by Men with Pens.

I was reading one of my favorite blog that I keep track off when this article came up.   I think it is great and totally agree with it.  When I have a great drama and cannot get to the root of it.  (Sometimes that happens)  I write about it and the writing get the stress out of me and onto the paper.  

Part of the problem is the fact that I need to say what is bothering me but for whatever reason I cannot.  When I put it on paper I get it out of me and feel better almost immediately. 

But if you’re a writer, using your emotions to fuel your writing is a wonderful way to create some great scenes.  The hard part may be letting your anger go but the article at Men with pens does a great job at explaining great techniques to do that.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Updates on Weight, Writing and Bravehart the Warrior.

On a recent post I revealed a miracle that happened.  I had been asking why I do I eat greasy food? Even while I was eating the greasy foods, and after about six months of asking, I received an answer.  I expected to hear in a voice why I ate the chicken, so that I can understand why I was eating it.  But an answer like that would be way too complicated to hear in words.  Ultimately the answer I received was my body’s rejection of the fried chicken.  I became totally grossed out about eating anything that was greasy, full of fat and just not good for me.  My body was giving me clear messages.  It's saying you are too old to continue to eat like that.   Your body is aging and you need to be more responsible, and it cannot take care of the bad food like it used to.  Please treat me better.   
(I thought I was in control, only to find out my body is in control now.)  

On Friday I didn’t bring any food from home for lunch.  I was running late and decided I would get a salad at the same place where I get the greasy chicken.  So in the morning I called  for a To Go order for a huge salad with lots of vegetable.   As the day progressed realizing it was getting late and I needed to eat, I called to see if it was ready.  The owners didn’t get any of the salad ingredients at the farmers market today, they forgot.  

I was out of luck and hungry.  So what did I do, I was forced to eat once again the greasy chicken.   I had an enormous reaction this weekend starting that very evening.  I visited the throne room all manner of night, early morning, all day long and still visiting today.  After this last weekend I promised myself I will not be caught without any kind of good food again.  Not to mention I didn’t feel good and was depressed most of the weekend.  I didn’t get much done and the cats were trying to comfort me. 

Between visiting the throne room I did go to Trader Joe’s for groceries and stocked up.  One of the things I didn’t do was cook up enough meals for the week.  I usually spend about four hours on Sunday cooking meals for the entire week.  So starting tomorrow, because I have Zumba exercise after work and will be tired tonight, I will start preparing meals for the week.  (Just because I’m tired is not an excuse to skip exercise.)

Oprah Winfrey had someone called Echart Tolle, Author of ‘A New Earth’, on her show, and he advised that we stay in the present at all time, or at lest try to.  This is good however in some respects it is good to be  a little bit in the past and future.   Being present all the time will not help in the future to be able to plan for when things came up, such as not having food to eat, and being stuck eating bad food. 

 By the way it was in the class with Oprah Winfrey and Echart Tolle that I found my life’s purpose, to write.  Since I have found writing, I am happier, more determined, more passionate, and when I write it is not work, it is fun.  

To find out more about Echart Tolle the link will be at the end of the post. 

I have to admit that I am scared.  Since I am fairly new in writing, I am not confident in my ability to produce a story that will astound you.  I guess that will come with time and practice.  I do believe I need to step up my game though.  A story needs to be interesting and different.  We all can read a story and put ourselves in the characters place but I have found that just because it is something that we can all relate too doesn’t mean that it is good writing.  The story has to be different and interesting, plus entertaining while educating at the same time.  Even fantasy fiction can be a learning place.  Science fiction certainly is.  Most of the stuff written in fiction, and science fiction is based on fact.  Research is essential to a story, even fiction.  Anyway I will strive to do my best. 

Braveheart the Warrior:
Bravehart is my rescued kitten that is now a vital part of my cat family.  He is so sweet and dear to me, just as the others are.  A lot of the times when I am at home and watching TV a few of the cats cuddled up with me.  It makes it hard when I have to use the bathroom, if I’m cooking, washing clothes, answering the door or phone, because I have to disturb them in order to get up and go into the other room.  They jump off when I need them to but then don’t come back.  Oh well I get as much loving as I can.  Here is the gang.
 Braveheart the Warrior is the small one in black.  
As you can see he is getting big and of course 
like all sibling they fight over food. 
I’m sorry I don’t have anything more exciting to write about.  The big major thing was the miracle of not eating chicken.  Even now, I’m hungry and my first thought is to get the greasy chicken, then I remember the grossed out feeling and decided no way am I going to feel that way again.  I’ll eat what I brought for lunch.  
If you have a similar story and wish to share, let me know.  Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with other women. 

Links to Echart Tolle here:
Links to Oprah Winfrey here:
Links to my Blog story Three Ordinary Women here:  Three Ordinary Lives Episode One - What happened?

Pictures by  If you see a picture you want removed let me know and they will be removed immediately. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

War of Rivals

I’m in a war right now.  What do you think it is?  I have 4 cats and they have fleas.  
But I have flea dust.
 So every time one of the cats starts to scratch I’m bringing out the dust.   
Those cats are going to run when they see me coming, but I am tired of the fleas.   
One little flea can start a whole war. 

It started a few days ago.  I sat down on my couch and started reading when a flea landed on my hand then jumped off.  Then I noticed a whole lot of fleas landing on my pants.  Well I dusted.  But later I saw a few more.  So I dusted again, using what was left.  The next day I went to buy more.    Armed with a huge can of flea dust I dusted all the rugs and the cats.  I dusted the rugs and cats again the next day and again this morning.  If I see one cat scratching all of them are getting dusted again.  It’s a good thing the dust doesn't have any kind of odor. 

I will continue on this until there are no more fleas in the house.  
Now if the mice just stayed away. 
 See, if it's a war you want, it's a war your gonna get.  But remember I'm the alpha in this bunch, and what I say goes.  I say no more fleas.   

Are you fighting a similar war or a war of a different kind?  Tell your story.  
Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with other women.  

Pictures from  If any of the pictures don't belong her let me know and I will remove them immediately. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Miracles Can Happen.

A few posts back I had a profound instinct to get back to my diet and eat better, especial after everything that I went through about four months ago.  The last two months have been better, but I knew I needed to make a change.  I prayed about it and received a very interesting answer.

Of all the crazy things to happen, as soon as I tell myself to stop eating greasy foods and start eating better, my body kicks in and says forget it.  While eating the fried chicken everyday, I asked myself why repeatedly? 
  “Why would you eat this knowing that it makes you feel bad, that it’s not good for your cholesterol, and the fat will go straight to your already bloated stomach?  Why would you do this?”


I just kept asking myself, every time I ate incorrectly.  There is a saying amongst the religious.  If you ask a question enough you will receive an answer.  It just may not be in words but you will receive and answer.
The last two times I ate the greasy fried chicken, I noticed a few things such as the chicken didn’t taste as good, and it was filled with gross fat, amongst other things.  There was my answer.  I was totally turned off about eating the chicken, then about eating anything that was not healthy.  It was a miracle I guess.  Since the realization of how gross the fried chicken was I have not had a taste for it.  I used to get salads at the same place.  But I decided that if I wanted a salad, why not make it the way that I wanted, with the ingredients I have right in my kitchen. 

Today for lunch I have a wonderful salad, with turkey sausage, and assorted dried fruit and nuts for snacks.  This weekend I’ll make sure I have plenty of fruits and vegetable to munch on for next week. 


Thank goodness for small miracles.  Well, actually big ones, when you think about it, I had been asking the question WHY for about 6 months.   Now that I have the answer I feel more confident than ever about my health and weight.  I’ll keep you updated.  

If you have a question about anything such as WHY, don’t be afraid to ask it.  Just keep asking until you get the answer you need, but be prepared; the answer may not come in the way you think. 

Do you have a similar story to tell?  Share, laugh, love, cry, grow and bond with other women, you never know if an answer might be within the story of another.  Until next time.   

All pictures are from  If your don't want a picture on her let me know and I will remove it immediately. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back on Track

I couldn't not go anymore.  No more excuses, I used them all up.   After months of using all the excuses of moving, and injuries, rescuing kitten and every other excuse I could think off.  I faced the fact that I had to get back to exercise again.  The doctor told me too also.  *pouting*

One exercise that I love is Zumba.  So after work I brought my exercise clothes to change into, I went into the bathroom and while I was changing clothes I caught a look at my body in the full length mirror.  I don't have one at home.  Nothing sets a jolt through you like seeing a body that once was fit and tone now flabby.  My heart broke.  I stopped exercising and I ate my emotions again.   I learned a very valuable lesson last night, stay the course.  During all my trouble I managed to stay with writing.  Why didn't I do it with exercise?   I question myself for that.  

 What I mean is if I had stayed the course and kept up the exercise even in the face of all I had to go through, along with the writing, I might have been stronger not only physically but also mentally.  I feel like I let my self down.  I will never know how things might have changed or if they could have if I kept the exercise up.

My flabby body right now is a good symbolism of how I feel about my soul, mind and life. The only exception is the writing.   

What if I had kept up the exercise, would I feel like that now.  Would my body be better, stronger, toner?  Will my mind be better equipped to fight through my writing lessons.  Learning how to write, to be critiqued and write again.  It's like learning how to walk as an infant.  Children get back up and try again.  Sometime adults don't.   They lost that fight.

One thing I had forgotten was the really cool group of girls that attend the class.  There were a few new faces but the same regulars who gave me a hard time.  I guess the excuses are gone, I told them.  I'm a regular again. 

I feel up to the challenge of my writing now at present but would I have been even more determined?   I will never know.  All I know is that now I am determined to get back on track with my health, fitness and physical strength in addition to my mental strength.  This is the best time of my life.  Updates coming soon.

No matter what is going on in your life.  A good diet, exercise and something that you love, that makes you feel passionate about, stick with it, even in the hard time.  Be the best you can be.

All Pictures by  If you wish one of these pictures removed let me know and they will be removed immediately.  Rm

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stubborn Kitty:

Are you one of those people who doesn't like to see a Doctor or get a shot?  What about animals.  Do you have any animals, including kids, that run and hide when you have medicine to give them.  I have four rescued cats.  I love them dearly, they are my children, family and my companions, but when they get sick it's expensive and a pain.  It started off with Braveheart the Warrior. He got an eye infection and now all of them have it. 
He's really quite the warrior.
All of the cats are walking around with  one eye closed and I know it hurts them.  So I have been taking each cat and putting them in my lap to administer the medicine, antibiotics and an eye cream. 

Well I have one fighter amongst the group.  Juliet.   She is the only female and the most fickle.  Not about food, but about taking medicine. 

Every time I try to give her the antibiotics she clamps her mouth shut and pushes out of my lap with her strong arms and legs.  She fusses so much the medicine usually ends up on her face rather than her mouth.  I can't blame her she is scared, but she's making it so much worse.    When I finally do get it down her throat she gags like I gave her something vile like liver or something.   (Liver would be gross to humans. )
The Antibiotics taste like Pina Colada.
Then when I put the eye cream in, she squirms and I almost poke her eye out.  When the torture is all over and I let her down off my lap.  Of course immediately she takes her paw and cleans her face almost removing all the eye cream medicine.  After all that fuss her look to me and response is WHY? 

Over the last week all of them have been getting better but Juliet.  Her recovery is slower, although she is not as fussy.  I guess she finally decided since she is feeling a little better, what I'm doing to her is good and she just might behave.

I lavish her with tons of love and affection when she allows me to semi get it in.  So hopefully the eye will be healed and she will be back to her lovely mommy kitty self.  I think that is it.  Like a Doctor, they make horrible patients.  Juliet is the mommy kitty and hates to be a patient. 

If you have a funny animal story and would love to share we would love to hear it.  Email me the story and I will post it.  Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with other women.  Until next time. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sharing a article Blogger Vs Copywriters by Glen Murry

I found this interesting article on one of the blog that I keep up on.  Its called Blogger Vs Copywriters- 8 reasons why bloggers do it better.    After reading the blog, I agree that blogger write better, not only because of the reasons that is stated by the article.  I do it because I love it.  Love to write, love to share what I feel and think.  I love to interact with others and get enjoyment out of accomplishing something even as small as a blog. 

One last thing.  We have a wonderful place on our blogs, where we can see the stats of how the blog is doing, our audience, traffic, and other vital information.  What I found is my blog is seen around the world.  That right.  I have had a few people from other parts of the world read and look at my blog.  I used to think that I was alone in this writing thing.  I did it for me.  Now I see that others are watching and reading.   Now that's exciting.

What do you think? 
Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with other women.  Until next time. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book Review and Review of The Greater Cleveland Writers Group

The Silent Blade, by R.A. Salvatore.  As some of you might know from previous blog posts one of my favorite authors is RA. Salvatore.  The first book I ever read from him was The Silent Blade.  I was introduced to his beloved character called Drizzt Du'Urdan.  A dark elf.  The book was in a collection of four books in one volume.  After reading all four books, I became interested in finding out more about Drizzt and his world.  I also found out there was a lot of books before this one. I endeavored to read all of them, from the day of his birth and young life to present.  Now I am re-reading The Silent Blade again. What a difference in understanding of the characters and their motivations.  Now the book makes perfect sense.  If you love to read fantasy fiction with magic, monsters and wicked sword fights this series is it, and of course to read about five friends who grow together and lead fascinating lives these books are wonderful.  Pick one up today at your favorite book store or Library. 

FYI- In reading RA Salvatores bio, he states that in writing the Drizzt Du'Urdan's journey, it required him to go through a personal journey of his own.  Upon hearing this, I look forward to my own journey as I write the story of my own beloved characters of Maria Thompson and Wren of New Haven, as well as the characters of Three Ordinary Lives blog storyline.  My only hope is that you love them as much as I do.

To find out more about RA Salvatore, the link will be provided at the end of the blog.

The Greater Cleveland Writers Group Review:
What a wonderful group of talented and fascinating people this group has.  I arrived early; the parking lot was empty except one car.  As I walked towards our meeting location, which is a boat, I was intercepted by someone who was new, a young women.  She asked a few questions, which I informed her that she found the correct place.  I escorted her to the boat, only to find the group host didn't get the key in time to open the doors.  We were to have our meeting outside on the upper deck.  So we climbed over locked chains and strategically placed chairs on the side and ended up on the outside deck. 

I thought nothing of doing this, I didn't realize the impact of how this would be perceived from our new guest.   Anyway we began to move the outside furniture into a round group with the chairs around them.  by this time a few other had arrived and we were all talking and moving tables and chairs and making quite a bit of noise and chaos.

My reason for attending the meeting was two fold.  One, to promote my new Diligent Writers Critiquing Group and two, to read a short story I had prepared.  I had already placed an ad to the larger group regarding my smaller subgroup.  A girl approached me during this time and asked me about the smaller group.   I answered her questions and we agreed she could join, but all the time I'm seeing the new girl all alone sitting across the way.  I didn't mean to leave her but I was unable to leave until all the questions had been answered.

A gust of wind blew around us, then I saw one of the lighter lawn chairs lift up, fly a short distance, and land next to the new woman.  She grabs her things and makes a b-line off the boat and to her car.  When I caught up to her she was already in her car and backing up when she saw me, she stopped and rolled down her window. 

She explained that too much seemed weird.  The fact that there was no bathroom facilities, due to no key,  and the host kept saying everyone who needs to use the restroom to go around the boat to relieve themselves.  The climbing over the chains as if we really didn't belong there and the chaos of moving table and chairs.  I understood.

I explained that right now she is seeing the weird stuff.  Once the group starts and she is introduced to everyone it will get better.  Reluctantly she decide to try it. I stayed with her and introduced her to people, got her food and a beverage, and sat with her throughout the meeting.  She agreed the meeting was really good and the people talented and fascinating.  

What Happened After the Meeting:  
The meeting was cut short because non of us could see, it had become so dark.  So I asked a few friends if I could read my short story to them and they agreed.  I got maybe one paragraph when another woman came up.  She started talking to one of my audience and interrupting my reading.  She didn't even acknowledge me or the other women standing next to me. Just acted like we weren't even there.  He answered her few questions that said he would be with her in a few moments, and gestured for me to continue.  But now I have a problem.  My story builds in suspense.  Having the woman come up and disturbed the momentum, my story was lost at that point.  A point I knew I couldn't get back.  I started where I left off.   I read a few more paragraphs and another woman came up to me, while I'm reading, looking at my paper and speaking, she begins to talk to me.  I look at her incredulously, I told her I'm reading as we speak.  She left after a few more words but by then the momentum of my story was gone.  Irritated beyond belief I finished the story, but the ending didn't feel as it should have upon the last word. Suspenseful.

Both liked the story and we discussed it afterward.  I just don't understand why someone would come into a group that is talking or doing whatever and just interrupt. Oh well. 

I still have work to do on my short story thanks to the feedback I received from the two that listened.   I still had a great time and enjoy these meeting greatly. The newest member gave me a thank you and a hug for all I helped her with during the meeting.  I hugged her back, saying my pleasure.   Every good deed has its reward.

To share your thoughts or stories email me or comment.  We would love to hear from you.  Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with other women.  Until next time.

RA Salvatore Link.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fun Writing Prompt

I just found this wonderful writing prompt from the Shrinking Violet Promotions blog.  I thought I would share it with you. 

Writing Prompt:
To jiggle loose scene ideas:  Pick a point in your novel that feels flat.  Diving a piece of blank paper in two. On one side, write down everything your character knows right now.  On the other side, write down everything that your character will need to know by the end.  These can be either external plot point type things or internal realizations the character/s will need to come to. 

Then go back and revise, revise, revise.

To find out more about Shrinking violets Promotions  blog click here:
Shrinking Violet Promotions

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A step-by-step manuel on how to molest children.

— Orange County sheriff deputies say a 170-page manual is circulating around Central Florida. It shows people, step-by-step, how to molest children. It also includes where to find potential victims.
“I've never seen anything like it. It was pretty amazing when I first saw it just because how detailed it was,” said Detective Philip Graves with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office (full interview) .
Deputies with the sheriff’s sexual offender surveillance squad have been aware of the manual for the past six months. The sheriff's office received it through an email list serve.

To find out more click here.  
To read the full interview click on the link.   

After reading this I find it disgusting.  The fact that there is an actual manual on how to make our beautiful children victims.  I am dumbfounded and speechless. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

AT&T - Use Vinegar for All Your Health and Beauty Needs

I just saw this on Yahoo and thought I would share it.  I can't believe all the great ways to use vinegar.  Read the article and give some of the suggestions a try.  I'll try a few and post my findings.  Let me know what happened when you tired a few of the suggestions,or if you tried something that wasn't listed. 

How many other ways can vinegar be used?  Write in and see how many we can come up with. 

Click on the link below and let us know. 
AT&T - Use Vinegar for All Your Health and Beauty Needs

Until next time. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things Went From Wonderful To Horrendous Within A Flash

I spent a wonderful morning with my best friend.  We had breakfast together, Vegetable omelet, with hash browns and Mango Black Tea.  We talked of lovely things and our different writing projects.  We walked in her garden and played with her dog, smelled the flowers and felt the sunshine on our faces. 

I didn't want to leave but it was time for both of us to get to work.  Me at my property management position and her at a different job.  Today was my half work day.  Being the first of the month I knew as soon as I got to the office it would be very busy.  There would be rents to process and people coming in to pay their rent in cash.  Even though I told them they could pay in money order or check, but nope they have to pay cash.  (Ugh)

I stopped by at the corner store to purchase a few thing for my lunch before arriving at the office.  Looking at the clock I knew I had a few minutes to eat.

Well I got one bit of my Fried Chicken when the craziness started.  Now mind you I start work at 1:30pm.  The time now is 1:23pm.  First call.  I answer and someone wants to know about an apartment from one of our ads.  I barely get a piece of paper to take down their name and phone number when I get several more calls.  One of them is our tenant waiting for the pest control people to come and spray her house.  She was wondering if they came yet.  The spraying is to be done between 1:00pm and 4:00pm.  ???  Remember the time is not even 1:30pm and she is calling to see if they came yet.   Oh come on people, wait until after 4:00pm then call me and ask if they sprayed yet, not one half hour into a 4 hour time slot.   (Sheesh.)  

Then the tenant informs me that she is not at the apartment and that the owner was to be there and open it for the pest control people.  The tenant asked me was the owner at the apartment?  I called the owner, who advised me she was at the apartment but has no key, and why is the tenant not there to let the pest control people in.

Right about then another tenant walks into the office to pay rent.  I've got 4 people on hold, of which I am bouncing between two of them, the tenant and the owner, and now there is someone in the office.  I freaked out.  That's right I freaked out.  I was so stressed out I couldn't answer either the tenant or the owner.  All I could do was grit my teeth and almost pull my hair out. 

I told both of them to call each other and coordinate between themselves as to what to do, and then proceeded to get the other calls and the window.   The whole time I was stressed out and fuming mad.

 It really bothers me when the owner places me in between a tenant and herself like that.  I'm stuck in the middle and get flustered while trying to convey certain information back and forth.  I nearly hung up on both of them, I was so hyped up.  I soon ran out of steam, so I ate.    Hopefully they worked it out and all will be fine.
 It's is a few hours later and all has been resolved but I am still shaken up about the stress.  Now I have Zumba exercise class.   I hope I'll be able to do well there.  ???

Do you have a similar story and wish to share?  By sharing we can see ourselves and will learn from you and your story.  Share, laugh, love, grow and bond with others.  Until next time.