Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things Went From Wonderful To Horrendous Within A Flash

I spent a wonderful morning with my best friend.  We had breakfast together, Vegetable omelet, with hash browns and Mango Black Tea.  We talked of lovely things and our different writing projects.  We walked in her garden and played with her dog, smelled the flowers and felt the sunshine on our faces. 

I didn't want to leave but it was time for both of us to get to work.  Me at my property management position and her at a different job.  Today was my half work day.  Being the first of the month I knew as soon as I got to the office it would be very busy.  There would be rents to process and people coming in to pay their rent in cash.  Even though I told them they could pay in money order or check, but nope they have to pay cash.  (Ugh)

I stopped by at the corner store to purchase a few thing for my lunch before arriving at the office.  Looking at the clock I knew I had a few minutes to eat.

Well I got one bit of my Fried Chicken when the craziness started.  Now mind you I start work at 1:30pm.  The time now is 1:23pm.  First call.  I answer and someone wants to know about an apartment from one of our ads.  I barely get a piece of paper to take down their name and phone number when I get several more calls.  One of them is our tenant waiting for the pest control people to come and spray her house.  She was wondering if they came yet.  The spraying is to be done between 1:00pm and 4:00pm.  ???  Remember the time is not even 1:30pm and she is calling to see if they came yet.   Oh come on people, wait until after 4:00pm then call me and ask if they sprayed yet, not one half hour into a 4 hour time slot.   (Sheesh.)  

Then the tenant informs me that she is not at the apartment and that the owner was to be there and open it for the pest control people.  The tenant asked me was the owner at the apartment?  I called the owner, who advised me she was at the apartment but has no key, and why is the tenant not there to let the pest control people in.

Right about then another tenant walks into the office to pay rent.  I've got 4 people on hold, of which I am bouncing between two of them, the tenant and the owner, and now there is someone in the office.  I freaked out.  That's right I freaked out.  I was so stressed out I couldn't answer either the tenant or the owner.  All I could do was grit my teeth and almost pull my hair out. 

I told both of them to call each other and coordinate between themselves as to what to do, and then proceeded to get the other calls and the window.   The whole time I was stressed out and fuming mad.

 It really bothers me when the owner places me in between a tenant and herself like that.  I'm stuck in the middle and get flustered while trying to convey certain information back and forth.  I nearly hung up on both of them, I was so hyped up.  I soon ran out of steam, so I ate.    Hopefully they worked it out and all will be fine.
 It's is a few hours later and all has been resolved but I am still shaken up about the stress.  Now I have Zumba exercise class.   I hope I'll be able to do well there.  ???

Do you have a similar story and wish to share?  By sharing we can see ourselves and will learn from you and your story.  Share, laugh, love, grow and bond with others.  Until next time.

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