Friday, April 23, 2010

Update on Weight and Writing.

I spent many hours on the pot (Toilet) last night. I wonder where all that came from. It was disgusting. I was thinking about all the greasy foods I was eating all week. Even though I ate good stuff in between, I had some bad stuff. I kept asking myself why, trying to figure out why I am sabotaging my attempts to control my weight and my eating.

I did notice when I was busy with my book and excited about my writing I didn’t eat as much. I was too busy writing and creating. I didn’t feel lost at those moments. I was filled with hope, happiness and joy.

Then after spending those few hours on the pot, I was reading at the same time to make it easier. (By the way this happens once in a while where my body decides to clean itself out.) I got to thinking. I meditate everyday. Sometime when I am meditating I have feeling of joy and not being in my body. In those times I feel light, so that when I do come back to my body, I feel heavy. It’s the matter of my physical body that is hard to deal with.

I remember thinking that I am a spirit body. That the physical shell that I carry around in this world is only that, a physical outer shell. I am more than the shell, but the point I want to make is that when I come back to the physical world and I eat. I feel that the food that I eat is actually being pushed around inside my body, in a form of matter, being used as energy and nourishment etc.

I realized that I needed to take better care of my physical temple. I need to make sure that my body has the right foods that will sustain it, sunshine, sleep and exercise. It is my responsibility to take care of it. I have been given a tremendous gift in my body. I am abusing it.

This revelation hit me straight in the face last night. I haven’t been very good to it. I have been working to correct my wrong thinking all these years but my body, is a thing of beauty. I have two arms, legs with feet to take me places I wish to go, eyes to see with, ears to hear music and sounds, and organs to keep the body going. I didn’t realize that I have an obligation to take care of it just as I take care of my mind.

I made a decision that I was not going to give my beautiful body greasy, fat, chemical or poisons in food again. That I will do my best to eat better and exercise and treat my body in the most sacred of ways.
This morning I am still strong in my conviction. I can only hope that my emotions don’t take me backyards.

I have affirmations that I say, which I want to concentrate on, in my house in strategic places. I think it is time to add this latest revelation. This will become part of my philosophy.

Update on Beauty:
Beauty can come in so many ways. One way is to be you. When you are just being yourself and not thinking about it you are beautiful.

Such as, beautiful flowers swaying in the soft breeze. A hummingbird hovering over a flower suspended in mid air, or children playing in the sand. When you are shopping and laughing with your children or singing your favorite song and everyone around you hears your beautiful voice. Even mad, with steam coming out of your ears your loved one can see beauty. Just be who you are naturally and know that you are rare and a thing of beauty.

See the beauty around you, become aware of your surroundings, feel the love of the universe on your skin, know that you are not alone.

Share, laugh, love, cry, grow and bond with other women. Can you think of a time when you saw beauty? Maybe it's fashion, music, art, or a book, or cooking. Or that picnic with your family during the 4th of July with fireworks. Tell us about it.
Until next time.

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