Sunday, April 4, 2010

Common Courtesy: Is it gone?

Today I went to a store to pick up some supplies for my house. I was in the isle looking at things, I had just put the last of what I needed and was making my way to the register when I said, please excuse me, so that I may pass a person who was standing in my way. She had plenty of room to move to allow me to push my cart past her.

The women glared at me and said with a snarl in her voice and a scowl on her face, “Where do you expect me to go?” She stared deep into my eyes. I stared back incredulously. “I’m doing the best I can. Why are you getting mad at me.” She screamed.

This woman whom I have never seen before accused me of getting mad at her, yet I didn’t even raise my voice. I simple stared at her disbelieving her attitude for asking her to move just a little bit so that I may pass her. I hear the gasp from the witnesses next to me.

“Do I look like I’m mad?” I said to her and looked at the couple next to me. They laughed and said no.

The women Screamed, “Yes you are,” Then said my eyes showed her how mad I was and she proceeded to swoon her eyes in a mock of what he felt my eyes were doing. Then she moved to a new line towards a different register, and I moved to one also.

She tried to cuss at me, using the “F” word, but I ignored her. The couple next to me was shaking their heads.

The women finally shut up and minded her own business but the incident got me thinking of something as simple as common courtesy. Had she told me she really didn’t have room and allowed me to look by moving just a little, the whole thing could of gone a lot different. Instead she made a fool of herself in front of everyone. What a shame too. Because when we give just a little it come back to us ten fold.

I’m sure you have heard of the old saying:
You get what you give.
You reap what you sow.
And the like. If everyone gives courtesy to others each day, maybe the world would change even faster than it is now. Maybe just the simple things can make the difference in the long run. The world is already full of strive, fear, jealousy, envy, etc. If it has to start somewhere, why not with you.

You may think, why me, why do I have to start it?

Because it needs to start somewhere, and since you are becoming aware of it, through our bonding, sharing, and laughing.

I am courteous even when others are mean and not fair to me. I see them look at me and say, “I don’t care.” To their companions. This stuff happens a lot.

I am strong in my opinions of myself. I don’t worry about what people think of me. I just know that one day when I am not around, someone else will not be courteous to them, and then their attitude will gets worse and worse and the circle never stops until they themselves make the choice to change.

Make a choice for yourself everyday. Be courteous to others, be the bigger, better more enlightened person. Smile to yourself and hold your own power when another is mean and nasty to you. Say thank you tot he universal source that you learned to be better, and not care what they think or feel about you. Because you are a wonderful caring person and it shows by being courtesy. Hold a door for someone, even if they don’t say thank you. Be courteous while driving. It will come back and others will be courteous to you shile on the road. I have experienced it. Smile at someone, even if they scowl at you, continue to smile and keep your peace. Your day will be better for it. Be more patient, loving, caring and listen more. Try it; over time you will see the difference in your life. This is something you can count on.

Just remember the next time someone is mean to you, don’t be mean back because it negates the positive that you have gained thus far.

Pick up a book about the "Law of Attraction" and read it. Or better yet get The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Read it and become a student of the Law of Attraction. Great things are in store if you do. Until next time.

Do you have a story to tell, or share? Do you want to discuss something that is bothering you that you need answers too? Sometime just writing them down will get you those answers. And in doing so on the site may help others going through the same things you are. We can help each other and be a source of support for others by commenting and bonding. Remember you do not need to be a member to comment. Thanks.

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