Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Little fingers in my coffee: Part 5


“Another day another dollar as my grandmammy used to say.”  Opening the door to the office, first thing I did was turn off the alarm.  Then turned around to put my things on the desk. “What the heck is that?” There was a piece of paper with a pen next to it.  It read.  Sterbeks want.

 “Sterbeks want? What does that mean? Who wrote it and why is it on my desk?”  I shrugged then threw the note away.

"Okay time to check the emails." someone emailed me with the name Mikos at puncnt dot com.  “Mikos?  I don’t know anyone by that name.” so I deleted it.  I’m not going to answer an email from someone I don’t know.  That makes good sense.  One never knows it might be a virus or something.

Sip, slurp, ahh,  taking a few swills of my home brewed frappucino I place the glass next to my computer.  Taking a look at my drink in pride.  "Yeah and I get it at a fraction of the cost.  I'm brilliant.  

“Gosh it’s getting hot, time to put the ceiling fan on.” turning the fan on to medium setting, than I  flipped the radio on for a little of Ryan Seacrest. The music playing in the background, I was typing up some thing for the boss when I heard some cackling laughter.

“Wait was that on the radio?”  I looked around, my fingers poised on the keys.  I shrugged and kept typing.  Then I heard it again.  Just as I was getting a chill down my back someone walked into the office and I had to attend to the window.  (When tenants come in they ring the bell at a window much like a medical or dental office.)     

After helping the tenants I turned around.  “What the heck.” The ceiling fan some how was on high and blowing stuff off my desk.  Quickly turning the fan down a notch I looked around. “Hay the radio’s off.  How’d that happen?” Must be a fluke.  I turned it back on.

"He he he he."

“Was that the sound of laughter?” That was definitely the sound of cackling laughter like before.  It sounded as if it was in more than one place within the room.  Then the chills went up my arms and across my neck.  I shuttered.

 “Sterbeks want”

I distinctively heard a strange accent with a deep voice, although it wasn't loud. I looked around and…

Until next time.

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