Friday, July 8, 2011

Little Fingers in My Coffee: Part 3

“Oh Yeah,” Slurp.  I’ve been waiting all week for this.  Frappuccino.  (I say it with reference.)  

Is there such a thing as a Gnome?  I laugh at myself.  Being a writer, my imagination sometimes gets the best of me.  Having not seen or heard anything strange since my last iced coffee, I’m still suspicious whereas the coffee doesn’t last as long as I want it.  Perhaps I’m drinking faster than realize.  Or need more.  (Yeah it the more coffee.)  

As soon as I arrive in the office, the phone rings.  People came to the window. Work started to pile up.  Drinking a sip at a time, I get into the rhythm of the day, the caffeine doing it thing keeping my mind up to snuff.   Copies needed to be made so I went into the other room.  It’s times like these when reality and imagination merge.

As I came around the partition of my desk and stopped…  “Oh My God.”  I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was an honest to goodness Gnome.  He had my mug tipped and he was taking a sip.  When he turned around and saw me, some of it spilling from his lips.  His eyes popped out.  The mug fell back to the desk when he let go.  For the next moment he measured me, and I him.  The little Gnome had gray hair and a little red faded hat, and his clothes were worn out. Me I had my mouth open and my copies dropped to the floor.

As he took off impossibly fast, I heard his cackle laughter.

The movement brought me back to life and I jumped for my frappuccino, plopping in my seat, my hand covering the top of the mug.  “What the Heck.”  My eyes darted everywhere.  I yelled, “Don’t you touch my frappuccino.”  Breathing hard.  I half believed it was truly a Gnome, or was I hallucinating. 

“You hear me.  Don’t touch my frappuccino.”


Until next time.

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