Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vitamin Deficiencies Could Be the Cause of Your Ails.

Did you know most of your common ails are vitamin deficiencies?  It’s a known fact that the type of food that Americans eat is not latent with vitamins and minerals. Most of our food is fat.

I am not an expert in this field.  I do know that our food is being tampered with.   There was a show on PBS on Soil, called Dirt the Movie.  (To watch the full episode click here.) The show says that the richness of the soil is what gives the best yields to the crops.  But the soil in this country is being rendered sterile.  The best way to get the soil back to top shape is to compost.  (The erosion of our soil is a whole other topic, which the movie covers a little of. ) 

In order to fix this problem many things need to be in place, soil, crops with high yielding vitamins and nutrients.  Correct information on the true nature of food verses drugs. Etc… etc… See Dirt the Movie. 

Even if we eat the best organic products we can find the amount of vitamins and nutrients in our food is 50% below even 60 years ago.  Look at our population, we are getting bigger.  By bigger I’m talking about fatter.  The reason is not because we are lazy.  It’s because our food is latent with fat and no nutrients.  Our body is compensating for it by having our fat cells puff up to protect us. 

The interesting thing is every time I think we gain in our knowledge of something such as vitamins, gains, or maybe antioxidants foods, our government is debunking them with so called studies, and in lots of cases preventing the food to come into the country for consumption.  We are having our rights taking away from us by the so called government that wants us to continue to have healthcare problems and pay for it with our lives.  Why? Greed.  What else.  (More explanation on this subject in later posts.) 

The population needs to understand that preventative medicine is better than seeing a doctor after the fact.  Preventative is eating the correct foods with vitamins and nutrients, lots of clean pure water, plenty of exercise and sleep.    

Dr Tenpenny has a Newsletter regarding the vitamin D in which she explains more on the topic.  (Click here)
Read the article called Vitamin D Recommendations a Blow back to the IOM.   and then subscribe to her newsletter.  For your heath and  well being become more aware of what you are eating and make sure you get the preventative information that will make your life worth living. 

More posts to follow on this subject. Getting back to woman’s issues is part of this posting.  Heath is both men and woman’s issues but a lot of the medical profession doesn’t understand woman’s health so it if up to us women to make sure we get the nutrition and knowledge we need.  It is vital for humanity and for Planet Earth.   Until next time.   

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