Thursday, December 30, 2010

Book Review: The Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

The Vampire Academy Series of books by Richele Mead, the Last Sacrifice is the sixth and last book of the series, regarding Rose Hathaway, Vasilisa Dragonmir and Dimitry Belikov.  I’m sad to see the end of the books and the story line.  I love these characters.  In the same respect the story is not really over, because the author has a spin off of the world with new characters.  For anyone who loves fantasy fiction and vampires this is a good series, however this series tackles more than just the gory of a bite from a vampire. 

From the first book of Vampire Academy the characters are unforgettable.  Vasilisa Dragomir a royal princess and the last of her line, her family dies in a car crash.  Rosemarie Hathaway, the best friend and upcoming guardian for Vasilisa, they share a bond that goes beyond the physical.  Demitry Belikov, the teacher who trains Rose to become one of the best guardians, only to rival himself, and help with the incoming war between the living vampires and the dead vampires. 

Vampire Academy has followers the world over and with good reason.  The stories are fantastic.   My suggestion is read them and be entertained. 

Richele Mead not only had the Vampire Academy she has other books out.  To find out more about Richele Mead and her books click here for her website.  Until next time.   

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Diligent Writers Critiquing Group.

Those of you who follow my blog regularly know that I founded a critiquing group called The Diligent Writers Critiquing Group.  Last Saturday we had our third meeting. Only 3 people showed up out of the seven that RSVP.

A good friend, who originally was going to do the group with me stopped by, she got side tracked by taking college classes.  It had been years since she attended classes and was overwhelmed with the work involved so she opted out of the group for now.  It was good to see her and have her come.  I started the group without her because I needed feedback for my work.   I’m glad I did and she is always welcome to be apart of it. 

A new writer came to the meeting, it was nice having him and he had much to contribute in critiquing.  However he became entranced with my girlfriend and manipulated her time and did most of the talking.  I was getting quite annoyed. 

As the host it is my job to keep us on track.  I had to put a stop to it and allow everyone a chance to speak.  I tried not to let it bother me that he was taking my girlfriends time because I don’t get to see her that much.  She is a very good writer and extremely knowledgeable, not to mention a great person.  

I will have to have lunch with her another time just the two of us.  I decided.  

With only the four of us, the group was cozy and gave us a chance to really discuss our works in progress.  The restaurant also had a good atmosphere and food.  Everyone had a chance to read and get feedback.  We even had time to do a writing prompt, which was great fun. 

Surveys went to the group for the group feedback.  Hopefully the changes will make the difference in whether the group stays great or become a group of Famous Writers, and every one of them published.   (Here’s to wishing.)

Once again the group was great.  I learned a lot and received good critiquing on a short story I did.  Thanks to all who came and look forward to the next session.  Until next time. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vitamin Deficiencies Could Be the Cause of Your Ails.

Did you know most of your common ails are vitamin deficiencies?  It’s a known fact that the type of food that Americans eat is not latent with vitamins and minerals. Most of our food is fat.

I am not an expert in this field.  I do know that our food is being tampered with.   There was a show on PBS on Soil, called Dirt the Movie.  (To watch the full episode click here.) The show says that the richness of the soil is what gives the best yields to the crops.  But the soil in this country is being rendered sterile.  The best way to get the soil back to top shape is to compost.  (The erosion of our soil is a whole other topic, which the movie covers a little of. ) 

In order to fix this problem many things need to be in place, soil, crops with high yielding vitamins and nutrients.  Correct information on the true nature of food verses drugs. Etc… etc… See Dirt the Movie. 

Even if we eat the best organic products we can find the amount of vitamins and nutrients in our food is 50% below even 60 years ago.  Look at our population, we are getting bigger.  By bigger I’m talking about fatter.  The reason is not because we are lazy.  It’s because our food is latent with fat and no nutrients.  Our body is compensating for it by having our fat cells puff up to protect us. 

The interesting thing is every time I think we gain in our knowledge of something such as vitamins, gains, or maybe antioxidants foods, our government is debunking them with so called studies, and in lots of cases preventing the food to come into the country for consumption.  We are having our rights taking away from us by the so called government that wants us to continue to have healthcare problems and pay for it with our lives.  Why? Greed.  What else.  (More explanation on this subject in later posts.) 

The population needs to understand that preventative medicine is better than seeing a doctor after the fact.  Preventative is eating the correct foods with vitamins and nutrients, lots of clean pure water, plenty of exercise and sleep.    

Dr Tenpenny has a Newsletter regarding the vitamin D in which she explains more on the topic.  (Click here)
Read the article called Vitamin D Recommendations a Blow back to the IOM.   and then subscribe to her newsletter.  For your heath and  well being become more aware of what you are eating and make sure you get the preventative information that will make your life worth living. 

More posts to follow on this subject. Getting back to woman’s issues is part of this posting.  Heath is both men and woman’s issues but a lot of the medical profession doesn’t understand woman’s health so it if up to us women to make sure we get the nutrition and knowledge we need.  It is vital for humanity and for Planet Earth.   Until next time.   

Monday, December 13, 2010

Braveheart the Warrior.

As some of you may know.  I rescued a kitten when he was a few weeks old just before I made the move to my new place.  I call him Braveheart the Warrior.  He is so cut and has grown into a loving addition in my cat family. 
Later after tender loving care.
Before when I first found him. 

I had intended another picture however blogspot will not allow me to browse my computer for pictures, which I find unusual and very upset about.  I have a wonderful picture I wanted to show you.   Sorry but this is blogspot. 

The pictures show the before and after.  The other picture had Braveheart looking directly at the camera.  So he still has the eye problem, but can see quite well.  He runs around the house at top speed jumping on couches, chairs, coffee tables, bookshelves, anything in the way including me.  He’s been known to ricochets off my chest as I’m reading.  He does this so fast all I can do is moan a loud OUCH as he passes by and kicks off my body.  He is too fast for me to stop him.   

This next picture is of Braveheart with Little One. 

Little One lost an eye.  He became like a surrogate mother to Braveheart.  He cleans Braveheart and those two race around the house together and see what they can get into.   It’s very cute.

I love him, and all my cats very much.   Braveheart shows me great affection and trust.  The others do also but Little One, mostly shows me affection only when I have food.   Ha Ha. 

I hug him daily with lots of kisses.  I call this beating him up, Beating him up with affection.  I use to do this to my kids all the time.  They thought I was crazy, but at least I got affection from them.   I made it fun.

Anyway this is a short posting today.  Hope you're getting ready for the holiday and making the best of it.  Until next time.  Share, love, laugh, cry and bond with other women.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Greater Cleveland Writers Group:

This is a reoccurring blog post, I belong to The Greater Cleveland Writers Group and write about the group, what we talk about and learn. 

Last night we had our monthly The Greater Cleveland Writers Group. As some of you know the weather in Ohio can be crazy.  It’s blustery cold especially with the group being right next to the water.  Last post I explained about my new jacket.  It’s duck down, waterproof and really good with my new deerskin gloves.  Having a new jacket of course I’m checking to see if it will keep me warm.  It did.  The wind whipped off the lake, and blew right into my face.  I had the hood up, so I could feel the cold on my face but the rest of me was warm, including the hands.  My legs that weren’t protected from the jacket were cold.  (Oh well can’t have everything)  

It was wonderful to see everyone.  I have been attending the group for months now and have become a regular.  When I go I know faces and names and what they are working on.  I asked one girl as she came in, “How is your young adult book about your rescued cats coming?” 
“I lost one of the cats and have a new one now.”  She told me with a sad face.
“Ohhhh.”  I told her , understanding the loss of a favorite pet.

Then there were others.  We had a short getting together before the meeting started.  I got up to get some food.  There was cookies and pastries and of course wine.  The soda came later.  Then someone came and put a big bowl of chicken casserole on the table. Then someone came in with chips and dip, another with cheese and crackers.  Soon everyone had gotten their food and drinks and settled around the tables to talk. 

When the meeting started everyone said a little bit about themselves and what they were working on. 

Here’s where it gets interesting:  First the boat was rocking because the water was quite rough.  So that was sort of disoriented. 

There were a few others who participated in the NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month program the same as me.  But when it came to me introducing myself I explain that I wrote over 50,000 words for the NaNoWriMo in 28 days.  That got me a round of applause from the group.  Most of the group has been writing for years and still working on a manuscript.  The fact that I have been writing only two years and have two, I believe I am beginning to be a person that others can look up to.  That was a good feeling.  The more I go and the more I am consistent about what I’m doing the more respect I get from the others. 

Point:  We have several veteran writers in the group. Both approached me after with encouragement. 

We had one woman who wrote a query and needed a little help.  A query letter is where the writer writes a letter to an agent about the book and includes some of the reasons why her book would be a good fit for the agent, and ask them for representation.  

She is a registered nurse and her work is about her thirty five years of experience.  Her query was written more in the line of a bio and not much about the book.  The feedback projected that point and she was lead on a better way to write.  It was very informative, especially for all of us, who at one point will be looking for an agent.  

We had another girl who was writing a memoir of when she was three.  The piece was very wordy, and not reflecting the thoughts of a young three year old.  Having that feedback was extremely helpful.    The writer when reading a part out loud can see where they make mistakes, they are very blatant, and of course the feedback from the others shows things that the writer didn’t even know about.  The value is priceless. 

I sat next to one of our veteran writers and editors last month being nervous because he is extremely knowledgeable.  He turned out to be very nice and helpful. 

At the end of the meeting the man that I sat next to last month he came to me, stool real close almost in my space, you know real close as if he was a lover.  I could feel his breath on my face.  He looked me right in the eyes very sweetly with a smile.  I was taken aback.  I looked back at him.  We talked for a few moments but then I remembered I had to pass my flyers to everyone.  (I just got an idea.  Duh, why not pass the flyers out while I’m talking about it instead of waiting until It’s over than passing it out to everyone *Shaking head*)

I was able to talk with the man before he left to give him a flyer.  He said, “Is this my personal invitation?” 
I told him. “Most defiantly, you are always welcome.”  A big time editor coming to my critiquing group to talk with the writers, oh yeah, he is always welcome.  He smiled and hugged me warmly then left. 

I’ve said it before; there is nothing better than being in a group of your peers and exchanging knowledge.  If you have a hobby, get into a group.  You will flourish much faster in your goals with the help of the group.  We had a woman in our group who was looking for a job.  The host of the group told her to stay after he might have a job for her.  That’s called networking.   

The big time editor who looked at me sweetly last night, he gave me his card last month.  I think I will email him and start the friendship, just asking him a questions, one never know where it will go in the end.   Until next time.  

What I did on Thanksgiving.

Well thanksgiving or any holiday for that matter is not really anything special to me.  Why would I say that? Well because I live alone and away from my family across the United States. 

A short pause before I explain what happened on Thanksgiving Day.  I was brought out here by an ex-husband years ago.   Ohio was where he grew up.  He and his family moved to California, which is where I met and married him.  Then when his family decided to move back to Ohio he talked me into it.   He didn’t want to be away from his family but he had no misgivings about me being away from mine.  We made the move here and six months later we divorced.  Now sixteen years later, I’m stuck here in freezing Ohio.  (It’s a long story.)

I will do a posting of my time here another day.  Today is about Thanksgiving. 

What did I do on Thanksgiving?  What can a person who lives alone with no family do? Normally nothing but stay home, maybe rent movies or go to a movie.  Last year I found a restaurant not to far from me that gave free Thanksgiving dinners. 

By the way Ohio has many programs to help the Homeless, one of which is churches across the area with free dinners.  Before I go any further you should know that my car has a problem.  (It’s fixed today but then it wasn’t) 

That morning I slept in, read a little and called my family wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving and going on about how much I miss them.  Around 1:00pm in the afternoon I got up, showered and was out of the house about 1:30pm.  I drove up to the restaurant, while my car was barely able to make any kind of speed.  (I have a bad muffler and the exhaust pipe needed to be replaced.)  So here I am creeping along driving the best I can hoping against hope that I don’t break down.  (I didn’t – knock on wood.). When I turned into the parking lot to the restaurant, it was closed and looked as if there hadn’t been a free dinner for anyone.  I had already passed the times for any other free meal. 

Most free meals were in the morning so the volunteers could be home with their own families. 

So what could I do?  I went to a 24 hours little restaurant across the street from where I work and had a breakfast, because they weren’t serving Turkey, then went home. 

Talk about an exciting Thanksgiving, hah. 

Still, back at the house, I have my four cats that sat and cuddled on the couch with me while I watched an old movie.  I also wrote on my manuscript. 

I called my family and my mother said they had a wonderful meal and a good time talking.  “Did you tell everyone that I love them?”  I asked. 
“Of course, and they love you.”  She reiterated.

So no fights among siblings, or harsh words against family members, or hard feeling against something that happened years ago, the day would have been better if I was there with them but we do and live as we can. 

Thanksgiving is supposed to be about being thankful, even if we aren’t with our families during that time.  Being thankful that you have someone to call, or connect with can bring happiness in some way.  It sure beats being along in a big harsh world.  Until next time. 

P.S.  I’m grateful for my life in many ways.  Being alone in a big harsh world has taught me valuable lessons I wouldn’t have learned if I stayed close to my family. 
(I will explain this statement in another post.)  **Wink Wink **

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The weather looks frightful.

Here in my little part of the world the snow is coming down, with blustery winds and temperatures below freezing.   The wind goes straight through your clothes and turns you into a Popsicle.   Winter is the time of year I never want to leave the warmth of my house.  If I had a basement full of food and supplies, enough to last through the winter, I’d never leave. 
Picture Snowy scene by Derek Comach. 

Since I have to work, get food, go places and do things, I’m stuck shoveling snow and dealing with the harsh conditions of winter. 

In The Snow Falling Part of the World: the snow presents a whole different game to the population.  It’s called survival.  In preparing for the snow, everyone needs to start with essentials.  Jackets, gloves, scarves, hats, boots.  These things one cannot be without.  Just minutes of exposure could do serious damage to the body.  Every part of the body must be covered, except the eyes.  (Thank god I don’t live in Canada or the North Pole.  I’m shivering just thinking about it.) Some may think this is funny until we hear on the news reports of people freezing to death in their homes and in cars while stuck. 

(I have my own story to tell on this account.  While waiting for help from Roadside assistance I began to feel the cold, when they finally arrived, one hour later, I was in the first stages of hypothermia. My whole body was shaking so hard that I couldn’t even talk. It wasn’t until I got inside and started to warm up that I realized the danger.) 

When Winter Hits: out comes the winter clothes and in goes the summer clothes.  It’s called layers.   Layering is one way to stop the cold.  Oh and a really good jacket.  I’m not talking about some standby jacket that the warm weather people don’t have a clue about. 

Women Portrait in Winter by Petr Kratochvil.
My beautiful mother, who lives a warm weather area, trying to help me one year, bought me a jacket in a catalog and had it sent to me.  Admittedly the jacket was beautiful.  However here is what my mother didn’t understand.  The jacket was corduroy, button down with large sleeves and a large hood.  
Here are a few things that need consideration when purchasing a jacket for winter. 
One: it has to be able to keep the person warm when the temperature dips below freezing.  So the jacket needs to be a down jacket of some sort. 
Two: the sleeves need to come close to the arm so cold air doesn’t creep up your arms and keep you cold. 
Three:  the hood needs to be able to come close to the face to keep cold air from the head.  It’s said as long as the head is covered the body can stay warmer.
Four:  the jacket needs to be zippered so cold doesn’t come through the buttons. 
Five:  the jacket needs to be water proof. 

The Bad News: The corduroy jacket didn’t fill any of those requirements.   You get the idea.  I wore the jacket but most of the time I was cold, and I didn’t have the car yet, however I didn’t my mom until the next year when we had a discussion about the needs of jackets.  I did the best I could at the time but learned valuable lessons.   

The Good News: I have a friend who just bought me a wonderful jacket with all the correct features.  Now I’m warm.  He even bought me some deer skin gloves.  

Gloves are a wonder in itself.  I have had all kinds, knit, thinsulate, leather, fleeces and light suede.  My preference is leather.   It keeps the cold out completely.  The others do in various degrees. 

Next is the driving:  To drive in slow, where the ice on the street or slick wet pavement beats any kind of crazy driving I ever experienced in the highways of Los Angeles or St. Louis or any other crazy driving in any city.    It is part of the essentials to have food with you in case you get stuck.  (People die while waiting for help.)   Make sure you dress warm even if you are driving, because if you get stuck, most people freeze to death.  (Fun isn’t it).  Not to mention the preparations to the car that need to be done, for protection of the car itself or you in it, and to drive properly.  
Snowed In by Peter Griffin.

Put a shovel plus rock salt in the back seat just in case your car is stuck.  (To shovel snow is back breaking and heart racing.  So be careful when trying to get unstuck.)

Next is the house: The cost of heating is astronomical.  The gas companies have it made during this time of year; of course the demand is high so the cost goes up. 

One Other Subject to Mention: getting up early to shovel snow, to be at work on time.  What once used to be a half hour drive turns into an hour for the traffic and an hours in shoveling show, brushing the snow off  the car and then the few minutes to warm the car up just to drive it.      

There is a lot more on this subject but to write more just gets me depressed, I’m waiting for spring to arrive, my favorite time of the year.  
Brook in Springtime by Sharee Basinger
For those of you who live in warm climate areas, you’re lucky.   For those of us who live in snow populated areas across the world.  You know what I’m talking about.  Until Next time.  

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Did you see the latest Movie called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

I went to see it the weekend it came out.  I planned to for many months, having loved the books and becoming a fan. 

I arrived early at the theater.   I like to sit in the theater, making sure I get a seat in the exact middle of it to get the maximum angle of the movie.  (or at least I think I do.) 

Even though I arrived early there were a few that was there before me.  So we waiting right at the theater door until all the last movie goers had left and the crew cleaned up. 

The first thing I noticed as the people left the movie was they didn’t have smiles on their faces.  I wondered why.  But then again I knew this movie was in two parts, so it probably stopped in a most precarious place. 

The line of people behind me and the few people before me were excitedly talking about their love of the books and movies and trying to out do how many times they read the books and saw the movies.  We were all excitedly waited until the okay was given to go in, and then we all piled in vying for the best seats.  I scrambled into the middle and made my claim.  There I sat and watched the progression of people come in.  I find it fascinating to watch people.   Each person is so unique and different.  I never judge, just observe, looking for character traits to use for my writing.  I also listen to the dialogue around me. 

With great anticipation the movie started with dimmer lights and of course the previews of movies coming out soon. 

One thing that I don’t like about movies is that parts that are left out.  I guess if someone never read the books it wouldn’t make a difference but having read the books it’s kind of annoying.  (I know I hear it from others.  They cannot put every scene in the book into the movie. ) 

What was even worse was a young child during the movie would give away the punch line before the scene would enfold.   I purposely didn’t read the book so that I could get the effect along with the movie watchers.  The child stole that from me.  The mother kept shushing her but the damage was already done.

(Remember silence is golden, don’t ruin it for the people around you by talking.  If you bring children, please tell them the rules before hand.) 

What was portrayed in the movie was done extremely well.  However the movie did stop at a most precarious place indeed and I too left the theater without a smile on my face.

I have read the reviews and heard from my friends that they were disappointed.  I too was, but only because the movie was in actuality only half the story.   I know that the second part will be done extremely well as the first one was and the rest of the story will be complete, and I am positive I will leave with a smile on my face. 

I will always love the series of books and will forever hold Harry Potter close to my heart.  I love to read and believe the books brought a lot of people reading, some for the first time, in the world.   Reading opens the mind to knowledge and allows people to see things that telling them wouldn’t do.  Through stories growth can happen.   What a marvelous gift to be able to read.    Until next time.  

Friday, December 3, 2010

From Trust To Betrayal, What Would You Do?

I’m just a regular girl; I’ve had my share of boyfriends when I was younger, some good and some bad, which made the contact from an old boyfriend on a social media page quite a shock.

I read his email.  He explained that when we were together he was young, angry and stupid.  He made the most sincere apology I’ve ever read, I accepted his apology, thinking that maybe he chanced, and we became friend.   He called me everyday and we learned about our lives and what happened to each other during the twenty years span of time since we were together. 

He seemed interesting in how I was and genuinely helpful at times.  About six months ago I had car trouble.  I was walking to work, only a few blocks away, and really stressed out because I needed to get food and money at the bank and all kinds of crazy stuff, not to mention how was I going to pay for the repairs.   My friend offered to help by sending me an amount of money.  I asked if that was something he really wanted to do?  His response was an emphatic YES.   At the time I was beginning to have feeling for him.  

The very next day he didn’t call.  Mind you he had been calling each day.  Now he is not calling at all, and if he does, he is very short with the call.  “I can’t talk long, it’s busy at work.  I’ll call you later.” Only later never comes.  Days go by before I would hear from him again. 

Weeks go by and I’m still trying to get my car fixed.  I’m getting more and more frustrated.  After a while everything somehow works itself out and I got my car back and all the drama is now calm, without his help or the money he promised to send.   

Now things are coming clearer to me.  He never grew up, only in his capacity to say he was sorry, but not in fulfilling his responsibilities or promises.  He was still the same selfish man that he was those many years before, which is why I left him.  (The amount of damage and financial problems he left me with years ago are still on my mind.)  I gave him a chance and this is what he does.

I wrote him a goodby email, since he lives across the states from me. 

He called, wrote emails back screaming “You broke my heart.”  He did text messages.  “I really cared about you, how can you do this.” 
When he finally caught up with me on the phone and after some argument back and forth, I explained that I was able to get the car fixed without his help.  He stopped all his fussing and stated that he sent the money by Western Union that day, which I knew he didn’t.  After a few more statements he accused me of just wanting to be with him for the money. 

I know that some of you will be saying, Oh come on, and I agree with you.  I let that one go, but my feelings at that point were only friend.   I took the high road I was going to wait to what he was going to do.    

Time goes by and we were still talking.  He’s acting like everything is good and we are still an item.  (I know, right.)  Anyway, the NaNoWriMO month came and I decided to participate, but ran into a snag, my employer wouldn’t let me work on her computer.  And my computer at home was not good.  (It’s a long story.)   You guessed it; he offers to help me with a Laptop.  (Brilliant Idea.)

I told him, if you are going to offer this, actually do it, and not leave me hurt and disappointed. I gave him every opportunity to back out. Nope he emphatically stated he wanted to do this for me.  I agreed knowing full well that he won’t do it.  Later that night I told my mother about it.  She sent me money and between me, my mother and a friend who knew someone that was selling a laptop, I had a Laptop in a few weeks.     

Of course I never told him, I wanted to see if he would send the money this time as he promised.  It’s been weeks and nothing but excuses after excuses, and lately no calls at all. 

I am no longer even friends with him and will stay as far as I can from him. 

My question is why?  Why would he offer, even though I gave him plenty of time to say something came up and he couldn’t do it?  No he still claiming he sent the money.

Apparently he hasn’t grown up at all. He’s still that selfish jerk he was those many years ago.  There is a reason people break up and it needs to stay that way.  I wish him well but I also wish him to stay away from me.  Have you had something like this happen?  How did you handle it?  What would you do differently?   Until next time. 


Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Diligent Writers Critiquing Group.

The Diligent Writes Critiquing Group is a group that I started because I couldn’t find anyone one to help me with critiquing.  I needed and wanted feedback on my work. 

On November 20th, I held my second meeting.  The first time we only had two people. That meeting went really well.  One person due to personal reasons dropped out for a while, but this meeting we had three people.  All three got a chance to read their work and we had some wonderful discussion on writing, characters, good ideas, the benefit of having good critiquing and various other subjects.  The two hours went quickly and it was really enjoyable. 

I didn’t read because I was working on my first draft manuscript. If I did read it would have been full of embarrassing mistakes.  If someone reads, it’s better to have edited it several times before presenting it to the group.  

***The next meeting is on December 18th. ***
I’m making up reminder flyers to send to everyone.

Being the host of a group has it own rewards. While I am the leader of the group, the group is there to benefit everyone.  My job is to make sure that it runs smoothly and stays on track.  Sometime the group can get on a subject and then the real reason they came is not accomplished.   I also look for good parting information as words of wisdom to give them.  To keep the members on their journey and to give them more than what they came for.    

In making the decision to start The Diligent Writers Critiquing Group because I couldn’t fine one I feel shows great character.  It shows diligence in not only the writing process but in the journey to greatness.  If you have a journey that you are proud of tell your story and let other see you shine.  Until next time. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What I did in November

I know its December but since I was so busy with the NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writers Month last month and completing my over 50,000 word count manuscript in November I thought I would update you on a few things that happened during that month.   

I belong to The Greater Cleveland Writers Group.   The meeting was on November 2nd.  It’s on a boat on the edge of the water right in Downtown Cleveland.  Most of the summer we were on the outside deck, with the seagulls and swirling breezes, but it was nice.  When it became too dark to read our work, the meeting adjourned and we all mulled around networking and talking. 

This last meeting we were once again indoor because of weather.  A long table was set up and most of the chairs were taken except one on the far end.  As I walked up to sit down I noted the person I would be sitting next too.  He is a very prominent editor and writer, having several books out and is one of the leading experts in the group.   Over the last year I have noted him sitting on the other side of the room and during his helpful answer question periods.  He is extremely knowledgeable.  I was a bit nervous sitting next to him.  He was talking to a few people sitting around us so I listened in. 

I was very surprised at how approachable he was, his knowledge made the advice he gave very sound.   He really does know what he’s talking about.  I spent most of the night standing near him listening and getting so much in return.  He poured out the advice and encouragement to anyone that asked.  Before the night was over he gave me his card. 

I heard the term before.  Never judge a book by its cover.  When I first saw him during the critiquing part of the group, he was very close mouthed, he closed his eyes and listened, he wrote a few things down.  Then when he talked he was very to the point.  There was no padding, or frilly stuff, just pure advice good or bad.   I heard some of the things the people who got the advice from him said later.  They had various opinions on his advice.  Some think his good some think he’s crazy. 

My feeling is if someone is in the business and is published and selling books they might know more about it than me, but then again each person that has been published has a different story.  One never knows whether the information could be handy or not. 

One thing that is always stated at the meetings from the experts is, this is a business.  The writers love the creativity of writing, but when the writing is done the business part of it is next.  That is where the group can be the most effective. 

Another meeting is coming up next week.  I can hardly wait to see everyone and tell them about my success with NaNoWriMo.  But also to hear what they have been up too.

The value of a good writing group is priceless.  If you have a hobby of any kind, get into a group for support, the rewards far outweigh the cost both in time and money.   Until next time.