I got to work this morning to have guys waiting to clean the carpets for one of our apartment above the office. Our tenant recently moved. In the fray of hoses and chaos of people was a tiny baby kitten, just weeks old.
I know where it came from. There is another tenant that we have behind our office. This is a man that loves cats but doesn’t believe in getting them fixed. So guess what happens. He has lots of baby kittens around until they are run over or someone walks by seeing a lone kitty just sitting by our office, taking pity will take them home, or better yet they die of injuries from fights with other bigger cats in the neighborhood for territory.
This little one has puss filled eyes and one looks like he’s already lost it, plus it is sneezing and is coughing.
One of the carpet cleaning guys is going to call the Animal Protective League to have as many of the cats taken away including this little one sitting in my lap.
I will watch over it until the time for it to leave. I already rescued three cats and cannot take any more. But I can protect this little one until its time to go.
It seems content to sit in my lap while I stroke it soft fur and continue to try and clean its eyes. My hope is that someone will take him home and love him.
I just looked outside the carpet cleaning guys left. Now what do I do with this little one?
Review of Movies.
The Last Airbender. I was introduced to this story from my daughter. It’s a Japanese cartoon and a very popular one. I only saw the first part of it so when I saw the movie I was quite surprised. The movie was done really well. The actor who played the last airbender was perfect for the role. I didn’t see the 3D version because it was too expensive and I have to economize. (Yeah I’m cheap.)
The other thing was the musical score. It was very beautiful. It was a wonderful experience and worth the money to see.
Eclipse. Twilight Series. This movie was much anticipated as you know, but when I arrived at the movie most of the seats were empty. I was very curious as to why. I really enjoyed the movie, but some of the emotions were hard to portray. Reading the book in some parts were absolutely heartbreaking, and the movie couldn’t get it. Some of the parts of the movie were done very well and breathtaking. Most of the back story about the newborns was not in the books so that part was interesting.
Some of the sequences were not in the correct order but I guess it really doesn’t matter as long as they were included because they were crucial.
All in all Eclipse was extremely good and I recommend it.
Have you been to a movie lately? Or wish to comment of seeing one of the movies that I reviewed. Your opinion matters. Share, laugh, cry, grow, and bond with others. Until next time.
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