Thursday, July 29, 2010

Moving Along:

Just a quick note: Moving day is within days, my new life and new residence are in view. My house is being over run by boxes. Everyday I have access to less and less of my stuff. I’m living in a suitcase as of now. Tonight and tomorrow is the last of the packing and cleaning. Then the dreaded move on Saturday. (Raspberry sound with my lips)

“Why do I have so much stuff?” I hear it over and over from tenant who move in or out of our properties. And here "I" am saying it.

Why do I feel I need all this? Organizing and throwing away is going to be the priority once the moving is done.

The only regret is that it might take time away from my reading or writing. That I cannot allow. Slowly, I will toss and pitch unsavory items that have no use as I begin to pull together my new residence.

Due to my move and being the first of the month, since I work in property management, my blog postings and storyline "Three Ordinary Lives" will have to take a back seat for a few days. Back on track after that, I can’t wait.

Update on Writing:
Or reading I should say. I was able to purchase a few books. I am so excited!!! Writer’s Digest has books out designed to help the writer. I read about them when I get my email newsletter. Well guess what! I found a few of them at the book store. I was able to buy two books.

1. Characters and Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card.

2. Conflict, Action and Suspense by William Noble.

Book 1: Characters, what I learned about how to find characters is to look around you, be aware of the characters around you. Take from them but do not use them. The book will explain more on this.

When developing a story, the writer needs to dig deeper than just the clichés of life. Really take time to think about what could possibly happen, but then dig deeper, then dig more, and more. The characters and the story have to be original. The reason why they do something has to be original and what they do about it also has to be original. This book explains it easily and how each point can make the best character, story, and how to write it.

Viewpoint is something that I am in desperate need to understand, and that will come later in the book. Right now I’m only at part 1. Next part is Constructing Characters. That should be interesting.

I love learning. This is better than an 8 Week Creative Writing Class! Ha Ha. For those of you who are new.  I had taken a 8 week creative writing course and was accused of using the class as a therapy session.  Which is untrue and ridiculous.

Back to the books:
Conflict, Action and Suspense. I have learned some great techniques to creating conflict and the difference between passive and active voice. This is great!

I’m moving into chapter 3: Openings right now. This explains the correct way to hook the reader within the first few pages. It is really fascinating. There are a lot of way to hook the reader and what the reader expects from the writer and the story.

I’m thrilled about these books and grateful I found them.    I am learning so much, and plan on working hard to put my new found techniques into my writing. Let me know if you like the improvements.

Update on Braveheart:
Braveheart moves too quickly for me to get a picture of him lately. He is fast, running, jumping, attacking and then hiding from everyone in the house. His attention span is small compared to the others but he is loved an accepted by all.  I love to torture him with kisses. 

Oh forgot to tell you. Since I’m moving into a cheaper place I can afford to keep him. He is mine.
(Mine! Mine! Mine!) No other capable arms can take him but me.

“How’s that for ya? Yeah I knew it would happen anyway. You could see right through me. You knew my soft heart wouldn’t be able to let him go, didn’t you?” (Sign.)

Once life cools down for a minute the posting will come again, and with my new found techniques and better writing skills the blog will be better than ever.   Take care. Until next time.

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