As some of you may know one of my favorite authors is Sherilyn Kenyon. I just finished another one of her books. This time it was one of the Dream Hunter Series. This one is called Upon a Midnight Clear. The book was very good. What I love about Sherilyn is the fact that when she was in collage she studied mythology. Most of her books deal with the Gods and Goddesses of Mythology. She puts them in modern day stories. A lot of the worlds in her books are already figured out by the mythology realm but the characters she blends into that realm are wonderful.
Upon Midnight Clear deals with the dream realm, with Gods of Pain, Fear, Chaos and Hades. The nemesis is the God of Pain who has been summoned by a jealous brother of our main character. The person, a woman, who is to fight our God of Pain is a Dream Hunter who is void of any emotion and must rely on the bitter and angry emotions of the other brother who the God of Pain is to kill.
What I didn’t find interesting was the fight scene in the dream realm sequences; I felt they could have been better, bigger and more gruesome. That is my only gripe about the book. (None of her fighting scenes could compare to the author RA Salvatores fighting scenes with the beloved character Drizzt Du’Urdan.) I guess a woman can’t be as gruesome as a man but most of the fighting in her books is pretty good. It was just this book that was lacking in that one department. There may have been things behind the story that was not put in the book as to why the fighting sequence wasn't as flashy; I guess we’ll never know. Other than that the book was riveting, understandable and easy to relate to the characters.
What is interesting is about her books is the overall premise that the main characters are all tragic with terrible backgrounds. It’s that back story that is fascinating and also the reason the books are so interesting. She always pairs the persecuted main character with a wonderful regular mortal women that helps them overcome their deepest hurts plus deal with the life and death of the world and the beloved characters. There is a lot of humor and comical stuff going between the couples that are very entertaining.
My next book in the Dream Hunter Series: Dream Chaser. This is a spin off of another book called Devil May Cry from the Dark Hunter Series. I’ll do a review soon.
If you like mythology this is a good escape, however I have to worn you that there is a lot of sex scenes in her books and they get right now to business.
Stop Messing With my Food:This next segment is regarding our food and our bodies. Since my car is fixed and I’m no longer walking the diet is back on. (Face in a grimace here.)
Years ago I had an opportunity to spend some time in the beautiful country of Sweden. During the seven months that I lived in Sweden I became very healthy. I lost weight and I wasn’t even trying. I was riding a bike into the nearest town to attend Swedish language school. I was stopping in between the school in town to take care of 25 chickens who where in between our little house in the small village where I lived and the small town.
One thing about Europeans is that they don’t want any kind of toxins in their food. They want natural fruits, vegetables, fresh milk and cheese, free range eggs and meats. They are very particular of their foods. We in the states need to get on the ball because as you can see our girth is getting larger and our heath is getting worse.
I myself am tired of having my food tampered with. Even organic is tampered with. I receive a newsletter from a famous doctor in Cleveland. Dr Tenpennny. She is known for her outspoken objections to vaccines and has the proof to back them up. I met her at my Greater Cleveland Writing Group. She didn’t talk about vaccines, what she talked about was self publishing and publishing for the beginner writer.
I got the chance to talk to her briefly afterwards. I explained my theory about our foods. She said I was absolutely correct in my assumptions. Then she gave me her email address. She also told me about something called Kegan Water. Kegan Water is a water filtration system that gets rid of the toxins in our foods. The system cost $2500. I agree the amount is insurmountable to the populous. However Dr. Tenpenny explained as this. The Kegan Water Systems water is ph balanced and will pull the toxins out of the food. After 20 minutes of being in the water the water is a yellow yucky color that clearly shows the Toxins, even organic is not immune. This is just a start, but we need to take a bigger stand.
I’m all for telling the government to stop messing with our food. Stop the irradiation of our canned foods, the cloning of our meats. The die put in our meats to make them pretty and last longer. The pesticides that are absorb in the fruits and vegetable rendering them with less than half of the nutrition our bodies need to survive. Animals that live in a barn all their lives, eating pellets instead of natural grass and grains. They’re never being allowed to see the light of day or feel the sun. They are stressed out and treated without dignity. I have a friend who is a farmer who tells me some of this stuff.
We as a great nation need to take a look at other nations and how they live. I’ve been out of the county and seen it for myself. I know the truth. We as a people need to tell our government to stop messing with our food and take control. We need to make sure that we eat as natural as we can. If we stick together in this, the manufactures may get the idea and change the way they package the food. Or if we decide not to eat it the company will go out of business or make the necessary changes.
We as the people of this country have more power then we know. We have the power of our voice. If we make all of our voices into one big voice, the government will have no choice but to steps back and gives us what we want. But we have to look at the bigger picture. We want fresh fruits and vegetable, free of toxins and pesticides. We want fresh water and free range meat and eggs from stress free animals that lived decent lives and have maximum vitamins, minerals and health benefits.
Make your voice heard today. Start eating better food by growing your own or making some noise to your congressman. I believe the trend is getting bigger and more and more are hopping on the wagon. Take care of yourself by eating better and demanding better food form our government.
I have provided the to Dr. Tenpenny’s website here. Read for yourself and become involved in your health today.
It takes courage to go against everything that you have been taught in your life. The government lies to us and they don't tell us the whole thing. You have an obligation to find out for yourself the truth. Embrace your birthright read Dr. Tenpennys website and judge for yourself. Then what will you do?
How do you feel about the food situation? Let us know your opinion. Share, laugh, grow, and bond with other. Until next time.
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