Thursday, May 13, 2010

Updates On Writing and Weight.

Writing Update: Creative Streak.
I got a streak of ideas in my head early Wednesday morning, 3:00am. I couldn’t stop the creative juices so I wrote down everything. It was so exciting to be open to the creative process like that. I was on a high for the next few days.

The more I explore the background of my characters the more my book world grows and the more creative the story becomes. What is more is the characters begin to take on a life of their own. I have heard of things like this before but never experienced it. I have to say, that as I am writing and my fingers are tapping on the keyboard trying desperately to keep up with my mind, I receive the revelations just as you would if you were reading it for the first time. I find this aspect of writing fascinating.

Writing or Journaling
Sometimes I think I don’t have anything to say; I get a recognizable yearning, so I just start writing and then a flood of stuff comes out. I found Writing or journaling to be a great stress releaser.

Sometime I just write down a stupid thing that happened and then I vent. I state everything. Such as the name I wish I could call them to their face. The way I feel about what they said or did. What would be a better way to do what they are trying to do? (Like my opinion is best. Oh well.) Then I throw it all away, and the action of throwing it away alone is lifting the burden off of me.

(I don’t get a chance to write my feeling out, but it is a good exercise. If anything my tying improves.)

Update on Weight:
If you know someone who is on a diet, would you bring a lot of goodies for them at the office or at their home if they’re family? (I am going to vent here for a moment. I am sorry but I need to say this.)

It is bad enough when a person is on a diet and trying not to eat all the wonderful tasting food out there, and using that food to ease their stress and pain, then to find some really good sticky, sweet, gooey and highly bad for you food that someone left. Have some consideration please. That is all I ask.

If you are wondering where that came from, I have a confession. I am not doing so well on my diet. My mind is good, but my hand is always reaching for something. My mind says reach for the wonderful mango, or whatever I have brought from home as snacks, but my fingers go for the energy bar that has 90 grams of fat in it.

You see, my boss gave me a box full of them. She bought too many and decided she would give me a whole bunch. (Don’t get me wrong I appreciate it. But I am trying hard not to eat them, but they’re so good.)

Then she kept me late at work on Monday, my Zumba class day, and I didn’t make it to Zumba. I told her on Wednesday from now on I have to leave the office at 5:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays to attend Zumba because my health is really important. Even if I eat a few bad things I still need to exercise. My boss, taken aback for a few moments, agreed.

What’s more I threw out some spoiled food again in my refrigerator. (You know how I feel about that.) Food that I told myself I would eat before it became expired. Darn it to hello.

I’m supposed to see the doctor in a few months regarding my thyroid levels. I wonder what he will think when I go in and will have put the 30lbs I lost last time I saw him, back on. (I can see him shaking his head now.)
He will probably try to put me on some kind of pill. The infamous little white pill, it solves everything. (NOT.)

And another thing: I still haven’t heard a word from my daughter. The one who decided she no longer wanted to hear from me. My negativeness she tells me. Ha. (Oh poor baby, her mother wants to stay in contact. The nerve.)

Oh boy I’m having fun venting here. I mean to be more professional, but I wanted to show all of you that I can be normal just like any other women out in the world that is going thru stuff.

So please join me and throw caution to the wind. Be anonymous if you wish. Just vent some of your frustrations here and let everyone know you won’t take it anymore. Come on its fun. Share live, laugh, grow, cry and bond with other women. Until next time.

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