Yesterday on my way to The Small Writers Critiquing Group, while waiting for the Rapid train, or Trolly, something really phenomenal happened. It was wonderful. After taking the bus and arriving too late to catch the train I settled in for the fifteen or twenty minutes wait.
There was a few of us waiting on the platform. I talked briefly to one of the men. Then I found about six pennies, picked them up and put them in my pocket, which is something I always do when I find any money. I heard birds squawking and looked up into the rafters to see their nest. But the most significant thing I did was look straight up past the glass roof into the beautiful sky with pretty cottony clouds gently drifting by.
Marveling at how the sky was so blue and the sun was out on a January day such as this, especially in Cleveland Ohio, one of the snowiest cities in the entire USA. Then for some reason, I don’t know how, I shifted. I mean my perception shifted. I was looking at the clouds, and then my focus point became fixed. I let the clouds float by as I kept the same point. But then I noticed I was no longer focusing on the point. I became aware of my position on the ground. I don’t know if I’m saying this correctly but I felt my body on the ground, and at the same time of the position at which I was looking in the sky, and at the same moment I was aware of the earth moving.
I felt the earth move on its axis. When not really paying attention we, the people of Earth, feel that the clouds are moving in the sky. Actually the clouds are stationary; it is the earth that really moves.
It was such an incredible feeling, so excited was I that I immediately turned to the man to whom I talked briefly with before. “If you look at the sky and focus your eyes in one spot you can feel the earth move.” I said.
He just looked at me strangely. I tried again. “Look at a point in the sky, now center your focus on your body. Can you feel the earth movement?” He looked up briefly then back at me with a very curious look. I’m pretty sure he thought I was just out of a mental hospital. No matter. I got it and at that moment it was a precious gift. Still, the wonders of actually feeling the earth move. I was in awe and still am as I’m writing it.
Try it one day. Stay completely still in a sitting or lying position, then look at the sky, holding your focus, not on the clouds but in one spot. Center the point on your body and then transform your perception, by feeling the fantastic movement of the earth. Then you know how wondrous everything is around you.
Did you look into the sky and feel it? If you didn’t keep trying until it happens. If you did, congratulations. What was it like to transform yourself?
Until next time.
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