Thursday, March 17, 2011

Braveheart the Warrior: This arc of the story is over.

Braveheart the Warrior is indeed a warrior.  Today I have a heavy heart at what I must say.  As some of you know I rescued a kitten months ago and have loved, cared, fed him and he was about to be neutered.  Today was the day he was to be fixed and then he would settle into a life of luxury.  But that was not to happen.

Braveheart was very restless as I stated yesterday.  He would fly around the house looking desperately out the windows wanting to go out there so badly.  Me, thinking of his welfare not his heart kept him in doors. 

According to the vet doctors before going into surgery the cat cannot have food or water starting at midnight the night before the surgery.

I have the four cats and not wanted to make the other cats suffer while Braveheart has to go without water I place him in the second bedroom for safekeeping until the morning.  I had prepared his cat carrier and placed it in the room with him. 

I finished all the prep I could think of and made sure the other cats were okay before I went into the bedroom for a final goodnight to Braveheart.  I placed him in my arms and told him that I was sorry I had to put him in here but it was only for the evening and then tomorrow we had a journey to take. 

Braveheart took his very sharp claws and attacked me in the face coming dangerously close to my eye.  I was stunned.  Then he did again.  I felt the blood running down my face. 

I reacted and threw him down leaving the room quickly.  I went to the bathroom to check my face, cleaning up the blood and putting hydrogen peroxide on it.  A scratch from a cat can have consequences.  I was shaking not understanding the veracity of the attack.  I know he doesn’t understand and I know he doesn’t like being shut up in that room. 

My thoughts were:  Okay I have several choices.  I could let him back into the rest of the house and make the others suffer along with him or I could keep him in there and see how he is in the morning.   If he attacked me from being in the room for just a few minutes how will he react in the morning? I cringed. 

Have your heard the term “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.” 

I have been faced with this decision before.  If you try to help someone or an animal and they don’t want to be helped you must let them go.  I opened the front door and allowed Braveheart to make the choice for himself.  He was scared at first but he left the secure sanction of my home to be free. 

I am heart broken by this and wish him well.  I know that some of you who have followed since I got him may be mad at me now.  I understand and believe me when I say nothing you can say to me will make me feel any worse than what I am now. 

I love him and wish I could keep him forever but he made the choice to go.  I checked to see if he was around the next morning after getting very little sleep.  No he wasn’t any where near the house.   I can only hope that God will watch out for him and that he is smart enough to survive.  I will miss my Braveheart. 

So I leave this post having been one of the hardest I’ve had to do and move on.  But I will not forget him.  I have pictures and will remember him the way he was. 

Until next time. 

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