Over the weekend my car just stopped. I was far away in a mall going to get my haircut. The car just stopped right in the middle of the parking lot. People were behind me and honking. I was beside myself with stress. Of course everyone just drove by and looked at me. I swallowed hard and wondered what to do. I opened my door and stepped outside one leg still in the car to let someone know I needed help. After about 5 minutes two men, bless their hearts they helped me move the car into a parking space. They also asked if I needed to call someone. I told them I have roadside assistance and not to worry.
I thought I would get my hair done since I was there and then call roadside assistance and I can wait in the shade for them to tow me back to the mechanic.
Only to find out I no longer have roadside assistance. After shock and calling my mom and talking to my brother, reluctantly I called a tow truck and forked out $100. I had taken money out of the bank that morning to pay on bills and for my rent. I think I’m going to be sick. (I portion out my rent with each paycheck.)
The disaster is I live paycheck to paycheck. I was hoping this wouldn’t happen because I have to move in a less than two months and I really feel I might end up homeless again. This week I wasn’t going to be able to afford groceries, money was/is that tight. Now I’m here at work with very little to eat and nothing but garbage food. This will play well with my heath and weight issues not to mention the stress involved. It’s a good thing I live very close to my work, and can walk there. (I have to make some hard choices I see.)
After a few days of brooding and feeling sorry for myself, I have tried to figure out what I can do. So my first task is to talk to the new landlord at the new place and explain what happened and how things might end up. At least I will have given her a choice as to what to do.
Next, I have to adjust my budget. I am on a program with one of my utilities company called PIP. It’s where I pay a certain amount each month all year long. During the winter months the Gas amount can go into the hundreds. But if I pay the monthly amount each month on the date it is due, I an in good standing and at the end of the year the full amount will have been paid. It’s a good program.
At the moment I am caught up and all the money will go as a credit toward the next winter season. So I will just have to stop the program and start it up again in a few months, at least I will try to. I going to call and see first before I do. I don’t want any problems with them.
Good News. I just called my new landlord and she said not to worry about it, she will work it out with me. And she said she can help with getting my car fixed, she knows a guy who will do it for very little.
I just called the Gas Co. I am all caught up and they are taking me off the program for now. I just have to reapply again later. So that is a bill I don’t have to pay.
All of this is a start, but I am scared, but feel a little better.
By the way my date on Saturday went very nicely. He took me to see the movie Robin Hood with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett. I was very good and then we went to a coffee shop and talked. He is a nice man, we had a good time. At least I did. I can’t say for him.
If you have had problems and wish to share how you overcame them and give some of your wise council we would love to hear it. Share, laugh, cry, learn, grow and bond with other women. We are worth it. Until next time.
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