Did you know that overweight women get paid less than over weight men? I read an article about this subject and was appalled. It is a documented fact. Not just women over 50 but all overweight women don’t get paid as much as an overweight man. (Link to the article will be at the end of the posting.)
Another double whammy for women over 50
Women my age are ostracized for not having the beautiful new bodies of a 20 year old. Men my age go for the younger women because they are having a mid life crises and only younger women can make them feel alive again.
There’s more: I have walked past over weight men and they have snubbed their nose at me, even though they are far larger than I am. Younger women look at me at as if to say, why don’t you exercise? I exercise for one hour twice a week, and eat organically.
I was slim until I hit menopause, then within one year 60 lbs pasted itself to my stomach area and became its own appendage. Sit ups and exercise do nothing to the stomach area, only jiggle it around but it does not get rid of it. The rest of my body is tone, my legs, arms even my buttock is toned.
Now I read in the article, the whammy for women is not only the loss of male companionship but the loss of revenue. How can we get to the root of a problem without the money to back it up? To see a doctor if something is wrong or get medication. What about eating special foods that help us such as Jenny Craig? This is a terrible tragedy and a double standard that really makes me so mad I can hardly stand it.
Last year I lost about 30 lbs. It was wonderful, my clothes fit better and I started to get interest from men. But I notice something strange. The men who showed any interest were ones that didn’t have a job or car, or they worked as a short order cook and didn’t make enough money and I felt wanted me to take care of them.
What a complete turn around from when I was growing up. When I was younger I wanted to be rescued; now I feel the men want me to rescue them.
I just read some of the comments and found various differences of opinions on the term curvy and obese. One comment in particular stated that she was thin but her overweight secretary seems to find a reason not to work, due to a doctor appointment or a weight related reason. I have worked at my job for six years and only took off one day. The rest of the time I have work through sickness, snow, hardships and doctors appointments. I work around my schedule because I know if I don’t work I don’t get paid for that day.
I have never used my weight as an excuse not to work.
Any way there is a lot to think about when it comes to this subject. Each person has to decide what to do for their own lives. My hope is that as I continue to lose weight and document my struggles, my experiences will help another to needs some understanding, guidance and caring. It is worth losing the weight and being the best you can be. It is worth the struggles each day. It is worth it, because you are worth it.
Share, laugh, love, grow and bond with other women. Take care.
Link to article here. 3 strikes against curvy women.