On a recent post I revealed a miracle that happened. I had been asking why I do I eat greasy food? Even while I was eating the greasy foods, and after about six months of asking, I received an answer. I expected to hear in a voice why I ate the chicken, so that I can understand why I was eating it. But an answer like that would be way too complicated to hear in words. Ultimately the answer I received was my body’s rejection of the fried chicken. I became totally grossed out about eating anything that was greasy, full of fat and just not good for me. My body was giving me clear messages. It's saying you are too old to continue to eat like that. Your body is aging and you need to be more responsible, and it cannot take care of the bad food like it used to. Please treat me better.
(I thought I was in control, only to find out my body is in control now.) |
On Friday I didn’t bring any food from home for lunch. I was running late and decided I would get a salad at the same place where I get the greasy chicken. So in the morning I called for a To Go order for a huge salad with lots of vegetable. As the day progressed realizing it was getting late and I needed to eat, I called to see if it was ready. The owners didn’t get any of the salad ingredients at the farmers market today, they forgot.
I was out of luck and hungry. So what did I do, I was forced to eat once again the greasy chicken. I had an enormous reaction this weekend starting that very evening. I visited the throne room all manner of night, early morning, all day long and still visiting today. After this last weekend I promised myself I will not be caught without any kind of good food again. Not to mention I didn’t feel good and was depressed most of the weekend. I didn’t get much done and the cats were trying to comfort me.
Between visiting the throne room I did go to Trader Joe’s for groceries and stocked up. One of the things I didn’t do was cook up enough meals for the week. I usually spend about four hours on Sunday cooking meals for the entire week. So starting tomorrow, because I have Zumba exercise after work and will be tired tonight, I will start preparing meals for the week. (Just because I’m tired is not an excuse to skip exercise.)
Oprah Winfrey had someone called Echart Tolle, Author of ‘A New Earth’, on her show, and he advised that we stay in the present at all time, or at lest try to. This is good however in some respects it is good to be a little bit in the past and future. Being present all the time will not help in the future to be able to plan for when things came up, such as not having food to eat, and being stuck eating bad food.
By the way it was in the class with Oprah Winfrey and Echart Tolle that I found my life’s purpose, to write. Since I have found writing, I am happier, more determined, more passionate, and when I write it is not work, it is fun.
To find out more about Echart Tolle the link will be at the end of the post.
I have to admit that I am scared. Since I am fairly new in writing, I am not confident in my ability to produce a story that will astound you. I guess that will come with time and practice. I do believe I need to step up my game though. A story needs to be interesting and different. We all can read a story and put ourselves in the characters place but I have found that just because it is something that we can all relate too doesn’t mean that it is good writing. The story has to be different and interesting, plus entertaining while educating at the same time. Even fantasy fiction can be a learning place. Science fiction certainly is. Most of the stuff written in fiction, and science fiction is based on fact. Research is essential to a story, even fiction. Anyway I will strive to do my best.
Braveheart the Warrior:
Bravehart is my rescued kitten that is now a vital part of my cat family. He is so sweet and dear to me, just as the others are. A lot of the times when I am at home and watching TV a few of the cats cuddled up with me. It makes it hard when I have to use the bathroom, if I’m cooking, washing clothes, answering the door or phone, because I have to disturb them in order to get up and go into the other room. They jump off when I need them to but then don’t come back. Oh well I get as much loving as I can. Here is the gang.
Braveheart the Warrior is the small one in black.
As you can see he is getting big and of course
like all sibling they fight over food.
I’m sorry I don’t have anything more exciting to write about. The big major thing was the miracle of not eating chicken. Even now, I’m hungry and my first thought is to get the greasy chicken, then I remember the grossed out feeling and decided no way am I going to feel that way again. I’ll eat what I brought for lunch.
If you have a similar story and wish to share, let me know. Share, laugh, cry, grow and bond with other women.
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